Saturday, May 29, 2010


Yesterday I was spraying odour remover into my gym bag and running shoes, when my mister asked what I was doing. When I told him, he thought I said "Order Remover" and laughed because he thinks that is what I order remover.

And he's not too far off, which I'm sure foreshadows the chaos that will be my wedding planning for the next year.

I actually envy those people that organization and structure comes so easy to, perhaps that is why I fell in love with him. I have such high hopes for myself but the follow through never seems as structured as my original vision. I get distracted by details and go off in tangents.

An example would be this blog. I would love to write posts based on the linear path in which a wedding is suggested to be planned in and yet that isn't how I think so one minute I'm fixating on the menu and the next I'm planning pretty aprons for my servers to wear and then what kind of lawn games I can set up for the guests. These thoughts are all connected and make sense to me but they lack the order I strive for.

So please bare with me if I take little detours or seem a little scattered. I actually plan multiple events a year through my job so I do know what I'm doing...for the most part...and things will fall in place, its just going to be a work in process.

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