So today at lunch I walked over to a MLCC to pay for a liquor permit and order the different types of alcohol, only to be told that the permit holder can't drink on the night of the permit, which excludes me since I'm sure I will have more then one. But this is definitely one responsibility that my Mr can take on, as he doesn't drink, ever, and neither does two of his groomsmen. They suggest that someone either then the bride or groom get the permit as we will possibly be busy when they come to inspect, so I might get his groomsman that live two blocks from us to go and sign the permit.
Apparently I have 10 business days to apply before the event which means TODAY! Luckily the MLCC by our house is open until 10pm today.
The type of Sales Permit I need is called a Family Oriented Event and costs $50.
The quantity of liquor that we can order is based on maximum allowable units, which is calculated as the number of adults attending / 5. (We have 375 capacity/5 = 75 units)
One Unit of Liquor =
- one bottle containing not more than 750 ml of spirits or fortified wine;
- 24 bottles or cans of beer each containing not more than 355ml;
- 3000ml of wine or less (3 x1L bottles or 4x750 ml bottles; or
- 24 bottles or cans of coolers or ciders each containing not more than 355ml.
So my MOH K and I have come up with the following liquor order, hopefully it covers our attendees' preferences:
- 120 Bud Lite = 5 Units
- 120 Lab Lite = 5 Units
- 108 Budweiser = 4.5 Units
- 108 MGD = 4.5 Units
- 72 Kokanee = 3 Units
- 72 Fort Garry Dark = 3 Units
- 10 bottles of Absolut Vodka = 10 Units
- 15 bottles of Club Whiskey/Rye = 15 Units
- 11 bottles of Barcardi Rum = 11 Units
- 7 bottles of Beffeater Gin = 7 Units
- 3 Raspberry Sour Puss = 3 Units
- 14 Yellow Tail Sauv Blan & 2 Yellow Tail Cab Sav 750ml bottles = 4units
The venue is providing us with pop for mix (Coke/Sprite/etc) but this weekend I also plan to pick up Cranberry Juice, Orange Juice, Tonic, and Clamato/Tomato Juice as additional mix for drinks. As well as limes, lemons, Worcestershire and Tabasco Sauce. Socials that I have attended with these extras have always gone over well and make people happy. Hopefully happy enough to buy more drinks!
Expected profit from alcohol sales = $1500 - 3000.
Do you have to go through a similar process in acquiring alcohol for your wedding where you live?